Thursday, May 11, 2023

Running Mom Crazy

 A lot has happened since my last blog. In April 2018 my first daughter was born, and in November 2020 m second. I am now returning to running in my biggest comeback since 2016. I have been running 50-60 miles a week, long run 14-16 miles, and ran my first half marathon in 7 years in March. (1:39), 5k (21:26) Faster than high school!

Running is difficult, being a mom is difficult and running while being a mom to preschool age children is even more difficult. But where there's a will there's a way, where there is no will there is no way. I am so grateful for my treadmill for making my comeback possible. I have many running friends who say they couldn't bear to run on the treadmill. That is 90% of runs. It is my miracle running machine. I used to be the running machine and now I have my own running machine. It enables me to run all my crazy miles and miles and never leave my house. I can run AND watch my kids at the same time. Take that guilt! 

To achieve your running goals as a mom all you need to do is neglect other areas of your life. For instance- I could put the toys away but in half an hour (or half a minute) they'll just be on the floor again. If you skip it, no one will know. Tomorrow will still happen even if the dishes aren't done- usually a few hours earlier than there is any reason for it to. Don't sweep after breakfast or lunch, but dinner, ( if you sweep at all. Tomorrow also comes if you don't sweep.) After dinner is the longest you can go without stepping on wet cheerios. Don't fold the laundry- just throw it in their drawers- they're going to have so much fun later pulling every item out and tossing it on the floor anyways. By now you may be screaming- but I like having a clean house! Oh man, me too. I just can. Not. Have one. I could spend my entire day cleaning and it would still look like a tornado invaded my living room. Cleaning when you have little kids is one of the most unrewarding jobs there is. (Also writing.) I can have a clean house when I'm old. How much of a runner can I be then? 

The internet tells me, "Don't ever let TV be your babysitter." Oh yeah, well, TV is the only babysitter I can afford. 

Tempos are run at 9pm at night. I love intervals now! So much time to check on my kids. Give me a two minute rest break and I can make a quesadilla.  I got sick more this winter than I did in the past decade. On the plus side, on the rare occasion I run and I'm NOT sick, it feels amazing! Funny story- did I mention how I found out I had Covid? My 15 mile felt hard, I still did it, I just got chills afterwards. 

I ran my best races and my highest mileage between the ages of 20-26. By 27 I was completely mentally burnt out. I tried many times to recover to no avail. This comeback feels better in a number of ways. Running is not my number one priority anymore. And that's a good thing! It takes the pressure off. My whole life is a little harder and that makes running seem easier. Time goes by so much faster now. Have to do a hard workout? Well in an hour or two it will be over. It won't last forever- nothing does. Not even being pregnant during a pandemic, whilst locked in the house with a 2 year old. 

It is easier to run (and do everything else!) without children but then easy has never been my style.

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