Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm switching sports!

I'm a gymnast now. It's official. A bad gymnast but a gymnast. After months of trying to teach myself to do a cartwheel to no avail I went to my first gymnastics class yesterday.
What happened to me? I thought I was in good shape from running I don't know, like 14 miles a day for the past year, but that was before I tried to climb a rope and leap across a room. Let's just say I am glad there is no such thing as the 24 hour jump.
I spent the rest of class practicing doing a handstand into the wall and doing baby cartwheels while everyone else from age four to thirty five did back flips over me.
After about 8 failed attempts I'm able to kick my legs up against the wall. If I have one percent fear I won't be able to do it. Not even 1%. Hard to have that when you know all the five year olds are laughing at you!
I just want to be able to do a cartwheel! I could do this when I was seven! Seven was the highlight of my life in many way but I refuse to let it be the pinnacle of my athletic career. I am still alive which means I'm young enough to learn how to do this.
It only takes four failed attempts to get my legs against the wall by the end of class. Maybe there's a little hope for me, maybe not much, but a little. That's it I'm quitting running- I'm going to be a gymnast!
Justin Beiber song comes blaring out of the radio and no one else falls out of their handstand because they are plugging their ears! Yeah, okay, maybe not.

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