Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fairhaven Frosty 10k

Aww remember when there was this widdle biddy race called the 10k? I don't!
I ran the Fairhaven Frosty 10k on Saturday and I don't remember how to run this race. It is like a sprint right? Or at least it feels like you are sprinting but you are really running 6:53 pace? Right. Maybe I do remember this.
The course was hard in that there were four pretty good sized hills- twice up Chuckanut road and twice up the Interurban switch backs. Also because it was extremely w word. ( I can't actually say the w- word because when you say the w- word it will start w-ing right in your face.) But anyway the w was so strong I could not breathe unless I turned my head sideways for some of the race, and it felt like it was pushing me backwards. We only got the negative effects of the w because it was blowing north which meant it was beating us face first up Chuckanut Drive but wasn't giving back as when we were running north because we were in the trees of the Interurban by that point.
This race is so short there were only two times I felt like crying- one when I was running up the Chuckanut Drive hill  with what felt like a hurricane beating the will to live out of me and the other time when I had rounded the final corner and could see the finish line about 200 meters away and the finish line clock rapidly approaching 43 minutes and the w picked me up and dropped me like 100 meters backwards.
With the hard course and the w I feel like my time was all right, especially since I don't do very much speed work right now.

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