Sunday, June 10, 2012

So this is what other runners go through...

I do not like this!
I am injured. I have not been injured since May 2011, not for a whole day anyway. Sometimes I wished I would be injured so I could sleep in or have fun on the weekend but now....This sucks! So this is what other runners have to put up with?
I was once injured for a long time in 2009, after being injured for about 9 months I was hit by a car. I came back to running in 2010 and was as slow as I was in high school. Which was not fast. A doctor told me I would probably always have problems because I was "bow legged."  I haven't had to deal with an injury that lasted over a week since then.
I admit, I was a little excited when my injury kept me from training for a couple days. I had just run the 24 hr six days ago and Joel already wanted me to go 15 miles, which I did, but my quads were still so sore I busted my knee. I got two easy days of only 10 miles a piece after that but still my knee hurt so bad afterwards I had trouble walking. Usually I just keep running because as Joel has trained me- awww, no one cares! But the next day I got an unusual day off, then two, then three, then it still hurt too bad to run more than a minute. I did not mind at first I confess because I felt I earned it and also I expected it to go away. I mean I was not running AT ALL. But now that is three or four weeks later and I still can not run more than a couple miles without it starting to hurt I do not enjoy it, not at all. Because pretty soon, if it hasn't happened already, I will revert back to my natural state, the state I am in when I am not running 100-160 miles a week, and that state is the 23 minute 5k runner. I don't know why people put up with these things.
Today I decided I could run two tiny runs twice a day and it wouldn't hurt anymore after an hour or two's rest than after a whole nights. So today I ran 5 miles, in two runs, omg.
Sigh. At least I can do a 6 minute wall sit now!

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