Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Birch Bay

I had a rough start to my race as in before it even started. I spent the night at my friend's house in Bellingham and discovered at about 6:30 in the morning that I locked my keys in the car, which is typical behavior for me really, usually if they are in the car it is the only time I can actually find them. I can't handle keys! My friend very kindly, as it was 6:30 on Sunday morning, offered to drive me to the race which was when I realized I had also locked my running shoes in the car. "Oh well, let's just drive there and I'll see if I can borrow someone's shoes," I said.
Wow, the people willing to give me their shoes. A woman offered me a pair right away, right size, they were technically "walking" shoes but they felt a lot better than my ballet flats. Anyway it was only a half marathon, it's not like I would have to wear them that long.
It was a lot longer than it should have been. I didn't have my watch either, probably in the car! But I figured I must be running like the pile of bricks my legs and feet felt like. It's probably good I didn't have a watch or I would have spent the whole race crying, instead of just the finish line. You know how hard it is to sprint in someone else's walking shoes? I do- I mean like 100 meter sprinter, because that is where some woman caught me and made me run to the finish line like she was Usain Bolt, not someone running a 98 minute half marathon, yuck. Why is it that the slower you run the more pain you feel? Always.
I was still glad I ran though because I had to help out for the rest of the race and if I had not run the race I would have to do it after helping out, aaaaall day, and Joel probably would have made me do a 25k.
I helped out at the finish line, handing people medals and sometimes just standing there until the last finisher of the marathon finished at about 2:30.
Then my day got a lot better- I got to eat, and sit down, and be warm and watch Veronica Mars, where I made the comment- I wish I could do cool things like Veronica! and then my friend and I broke into my car- sooo, wish fulfilled even if we were not quite as smooth as she is. 

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