Sunday, January 15, 2012


Sometimes I dread the weekend. Saturday and Sunday are usually the hardest, longest running days of the week and this week was no exception. Work sounds enjoyable compared to 15 mile repeats by yourself in the rain, at least it did to me Saturday morning. On such days I usually spend an hour or two dreading my upcoming run and putting it off for the next couple minutes. This sucks because usually those hours are the worst of the whole day and then by the time I finish it is already time for my second run and then darkness.
This Saturday was the most I have not wanted to run in a long time. I had been feeling pretty motivated since the 30 mile. But not enough to pretend at all that I even wanted to go outside in the pouring drizzle Saturday morning and spend the next 2 and 1/2 hours doing mile repeats on some depressing gray street with only cars for company. As awful as that sounded- doing all that running on top of driving 4 hours round trip to Bellingham to run on a track sounded just as bad. I finally got out the door, wanting to cry as much as the sky was. After doing one mile repeat I felt better because the first one never takes very long and then you are part of the way done already, yipee! maybe this won't be so bad. Then after I do about 4 and it feels like I have done a whole lot it starts to get really depressing when I realize I am only about a 1/4 of the way done. Funny how one can make you feel more done than four but that's just the way it is for me. I still managed to do 15 even though it was the last thing I wanted to do and thought I would die attempting.I was done but still demoralized. I  miss speed workouts. I had to lie on the floor for about an hour on the heating vent because I was too cold to make lunch and by the time I did eat it was almost time for my second run which lets just say went very sickly.
On to Sunday. I finally got new shoes. It had only been about 4 months and 1500+ miles or so. I had forgotten what it felt like to have shoes with sole on the bottom and every pair felt like I was wearing high tops. The running shoe store only had Brooks and New Balance which are not my favorite but oh well. They also didn't offer me a high school discount even though I was with my mom and usually they do. We did however get them for only 14 dollars because of a shoe card we had that says- buy 12 shoes, get one free, or for 14 dollars. My mom had had the card since 06, or as my mom said- "wow, we've had this since you were in high school!" I would correct her but the shoe salesman is watching and he doesn't need to know how old I really am so I say- right. I can be 23, thanks mom. No one needs to know that I graduated high school like 8 and by 8 I mean BILLION years ago! shhh
Then with new shoes I am off to run more miles than I am old. I wonder how many I will be running when I am 30? Better not ask. Well it was snowing. And my run took me four and a half hours. It sounded like something your grandparents were supposed to tell you about, when you complained about walking to the school bus or something. I can picture me as an old person (older than I already am I mean), I used to run 30 miles in the snow, and it was uphill both ways. True story. My grandkids are going to hate me and I will probably still be running 30 miles then.
I have never begun a run a little after noon and finished after dark before and I don't want to again. This is what procrastination gets you, by the time you are done with your work it is almost time to start more work. Well at least I can put it off, for a little while anyway.


  1. You've only had 12 pairs of shoes since 2006?!

    1. haha google blogger just sent me an email notifying me that I commented on my own blog, thanks!
