On Saturday I did a very hard workout at Lake Padden where I was supposed to run 13x 7 minute miles with a 2 minute 400 in between each one as the "rest". It was harder running at Lake Padden than I thought. I only did the flat side of the lake but there were still a few little hills including one right as I finished the mile and one side and started my rest, if you count running 8 minute mile pace up a hill resting. I don't! I thought that I would have an easy time of this workout for awhile but I was wrong. As the first mile I ran was already 7:05, I told myself that maybe that was the harder mile. Then I turned around and ran a 6:30 mile- or so I thought but it was really 7:04. And that direction was definitely the harder mile the rest of the workout. It even got as bad as 7:30 something before I stopped timing myself so I wouldn't cry. I was not feeling very positive at all. I was thinking about everything that was wrong with my life and making it everything that was wrong with my running. Thinking- not only am I lonely, and poor, and my coach has abandoned me ( whether true or not is up for debate, but something I think a lot, especially when I am running), but I'm also freakin SLOW!
The workout I did on Wednesday I tried not to think about all day but of course I did anyway. I ran it with Jessica at Cornwall park. We ran a 15k on the 1k trail loop there, so 15 trail loops each one supposed to be around 5 seconds faster than the loop before it. We got to start off slow, about my rest pace from above so the first loop was fun in 5 minutes, talking and giggly. Then I suck as a pacer because I make us run 4:46, and then go back up 4:48, then drop too much to 4:34 or something then into the 4:20s and then just stick to 4:17 s for a while. Basically I'm fired :D I tried not to think about anything when I was running, just let the laps flow by and only be semiconscious of them. And it sort of worked. I finished with a 4:12 and then a 4:11.
The workout I did on Wednesday I tried not to think about all day but of course I did anyway. I ran it with Jessica at Cornwall park. We ran a 15k on the 1k trail loop there, so 15 trail loops each one supposed to be around 5 seconds faster than the loop before it. We got to start off slow, about my rest pace from above so the first loop was fun in 5 minutes, talking and giggly. Then I suck as a pacer because I make us run 4:46, and then go back up 4:48, then drop too much to 4:34 or something then into the 4:20s and then just stick to 4:17 s for a while. Basically I'm fired :D I tried not to think about anything when I was running, just let the laps flow by and only be semiconscious of them. And it sort of worked. I finished with a 4:12 and then a 4:11.
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