Thursday, September 1, 2011

I am forgotten

How strange that Joel forgot how he was going to torture me today. Last night he was skyping me about this run. 15 minutes easy, 2 and a half hours hard up a mountain, 15 minutes easy. I don't remember how many times he said the exact same thing over and over, "don't know how fast you are going!" "Just run as hard as you can for 2 and 1/2 hours!" Me: "What pace is that?" Joel: "Did I say anything about pace, Gawd! Just run as fast as you can for 2 and a 1/2 hours! Call me!"
Boy I did not want to get out of bed this morning. It sounded even worse than work, maybe. A lot shorter though I guess, ok, a little shorter, not much sometimes, meh, but at least I wont have to be nice to people that are annoying!
After procrastinating for a while I was off, a little after 9 am, figuring if it got hot that would just help me prepare even more for the 50k in Bend. I mean how much more miserable can you get than running your guts up a mountain with the sun frying your back? Well, it could be worse, at least around here there are trees.
I ran fast for about half an hour at a slight uphill before I hit Galbraith mountain and the real fun. The nice thing about running up a mountain is even if you are trying to slack off you can't. It hurts no matter what pace you are running up it just more if you are running faster. I ran up some sections twice so I could turn around and run downhill in between steep uphill sections, 5 minutes uphill this way, turn around, three minutes down, back uphill another way type of thing. Before I ran along the main road all the way to the end, almost to Lake Padden. But to my relief I didn't have enough time to run there! Who would have thought I wouldn't have enough time to run anywhere in Bellingham? Good thing it wasn't a thirty mile day. I made it through the steep hill back, somehow there were uphills both ways- that was not fair! I only cried once and I kept running through it, consoling myself that I couldn't possibly feel any worse than I did right now so the rest of my run would be easy! I ran past all the blackberries I wanted to stop and eat. A slight downhill for the last half hour home which I was glad wasn't the other way around because it hurt enough as is. Joel had told me just to run hard, as hard as I could, which is always hard to know but I felt pretty awful when my watch hit 2:45 and I collapsed on a rock, finally picking some blackberries. I was so tired I walked for a couple minutes, thinking at least Joel would be proud of me because I felt so bad.
When I called when I got home and had made it up the stairs to where I left the phone (seemed like an ok idea at the time) he asked how I was, I said tired, he asked if I had already gone running. "Yes." "Oh, shoot I thought you were going to go run with Jessica today." "What? You told me to do a 3 hour hard run up Galbraith!" "Oh, was that today?"
I can't believe he forgot. He forgot all about me and my suffering meant nothing to him, nothing! He wondered why I was tired! The nerve. I shouldn't be too surprised- if I was surrounded by the grandeur of Iowa City I would forget all about you little people in Bellingham too, hahaha! This means tho- I didn't even have to do it! He never never forgets to torture me, ever! I wish I could forget, how awesome would that be? Hey Joel I forgot to do my workout today- that's ok right? Were you supposed to do a workout today? Oh, uh, no! Look on the bright side, I have been forgotten, probably replaced, maybe recycled or tossed into a garbage can, but maybe he will forget about the 50k too!

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